Things Your Tiny House Builder MUST Get Right

We’re glad you’re reading our tiny house blog- and not just because that means you’re curious about our tiny homes!

Reading blogs is a great way to do tiny house research, and if you have plans to buy a tiny home, you’ll want to do a lot of it.

Here at Mint Tiny House Company, we’ve been building tiny houses for ten years. That makes us one of the most experienced tiny house building companies around!

We’ve learned a thing or two about tiny homes in the process, and because we believe in showing you what’s behind the curtain, here are a few things that your tiny house builder absolutely must get right!

The Tiny House Trailer

Your tiny house trailer can be thought of as a moving tiny house foundation. It’s what will support the weight of your home throughout its tiny house lifespan.

The trailer is also what will hold your tiny house together during transportation, so it’s extremely important that you have a tiny home trailer that’s up for the challenge!

At Mint Tiny House Company, we use trailers built with square tube steel and rated for the weight of a finished and furnished tiny home.

When researching tiny homes, you’ll likely encounter a lot of trailers that look like tiny house trailers, but a deeper dive will reveal far too low of a weight rating.

To give you a reference number, our smallest tiny home, the Napa, is built on a trailer with a GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) of 14,000 pounds.

The bottom line is that tiny homes are heavy, so whoever builds yours needs to use a beefy trailer capable of providing your tiny house with support for decades to come!

Tiny House Thermal Bridging Mitigation

When one material (like a metal trailer) is more conductive than the materials surrounding it, thermal bridging occurs.

Thermal bridging refers to heat transfer; and what does it mean for tiny homes? It means that your tiny home trailer and subfloor must be properly insulated or you will have thermal bridging issues, which can lead to condensation that can lead to mold!

Over our decade in business, we’ve lost count of the talented tiny home builders we’ve seen get this one wrong.

Thermal bridging is just one example of where it pays to go with an experienced tiny house builder. Regular house builders have to consider thermal bridging as well, but the stakes are higher and the mistakes are easier when you’re dealing with a smaller house and a metal trailer.

So, whoever builds your home, make sure they know how to handle thermal bridging in a tiny house!

Tiny House Building Documentation

When you buy a house from Mint Tiny House Company, we give you a bunch of photos and/or videos of the tiny house building process.

As tiny home legalization sweeps across Canada and the USA, people will be looking for ways to prove tiny home quality, and we want to give you photo evidence!

This will help lenders and insurance companies feel more confident in offering their services. It will also provide guidance for any contractors who may work on your home in the future, and increase the resale value of your tiny house should you ever decide to sell.

For all of these reasons and more, properly documenting a tiny house build is on our list of things your tiny house builder must get right!

Tiny House Furniture

We get it- that table for two, that turns into a table for six, that transforms into a bunk bed, is cool. Well, at least it’s cool to watch it happen a few times on YouTube!

One thing we’ve learned from building tiny houses is that using tiny home furniture needs to be easy.

Any piece of tiny house furniture is probably something you’ll use on a daily or weekly basis, so screwing table legs on, unfolding panels, or securing joints every time you want to use a piece of tiny house furniture could get old fast!

In short, if you don’t want to spend your life “setting up” a dining room for every meal, your tiny home builder must get this one right!

Tiny House Lighting

In a small space like a tiny home, lighting matters even more than in a larger house or apartment. Lighting can be the difference between a house feeling small or cramped and open and airy.

Do you love open and airy tiny homes? If so, you should know that tiny home lighting is another thing your builder must get right!

Here at Mint Tiny House Company, we love tiny houses with natural light. This is why we include plenty of transom windows, high windows, skylights, and glass doors to ensure your tiny home has as much sunlight as possible.

Even with all the natural light in the world, though, evening will eventually fall. When that happens, our rusting lighting package will bathe your tiny home in a cozy glow.

Are You Ready to Choose a Tiny House Builder?

Our team knows that choosing a tiny house builder can be tricky business, and we want you to be confident when you choose us!

Hopefully, this post has provided some insight as to where tiny house builders go right (or wrong!).

Do you still have tiny house questions? We thought you might.

Are you ready to get some of those questions answered?

If so, click here to book your free tiny home consultation. Then we can help you with the research process!

That’s all for now!

Thanks for reading our tiny house blog; we can’t wait to meet you!

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