Do You Have a Million Tiny Home Questions? Here’s Where to Find Answers

Do You Have a Million Tiny Home Questions? Here’s Where to Find Answers If you are used to handling life independently, we applaud you.  But also, support is important and your support team has arrived.  Hello! We are the team behind  Mint Tiny House Company. And with almost a decade of tiny home experience under […]

Five (Surprising!) Ways a Mint Tiny Home Will Transform Your Life

Five (Surprising!) Ways a Mint Tiny Home Will Transform Your Life Here at Mint Tiny House Company, people come to us with all kinds of reasons for wanting to buy a tiny home. Some people want to lower their carbon footprint, others want a life based on experiences rather than things, and some seek to […]

Want to Buy a Tiny House? Here Are Benefits Mint Tiny House Company Has to Offer!

Want to Buy a Tiny House? Here Are Benefits Mint Tiny House Company Has to Offer! Is your tiny house lifestyle so close you can taste it? Would-be tiny home owners sometimes say they can picture it like a movie: A journal sits open on the couch. Steam rises from a nearby cup of coffee. […]

An Open Letter to Anyone Considering a Tiny House

You are doing a great job. How do we know this? Because if you are reading a tiny house blog, you are putting in the effort to find the tools for your next chapter. Does your next chapter involve a tiny house? Well, that part is up to you, but we’re glad you’re here! On […]