Tiny Homes: Groundbreaking Affordable Housing for Seniors With Serious Style

Five Ways Tiny Homes Help Women Feel Safe

Five Ways Tiny Homes Help Women Feel Safe It’s still early in the tiny home movement for solid statistics. Still, this much is clear: more people flock to the tiny house lifestyle every day. It seems the whole world is ready for a life that is sustainable, manageable, and fun. And while all types of […]

How to Choose the Best Tiny House Floor Plan: Your Guide to Living Without Regret

How to Choose the Best Tiny House Floor Plan Your Guide to Living Without Regret If you’ve ever taken a peek at our gallery, you know we have a ton of tiny house designs. And thanks to the many upgrade options we offer, you can put your stamp on things to create your dream kitchen, […]

Tiny Houses as LEGAL Accessory Dwelling Units

Tiny Houses as LEGAL Accessory Dwelling Units Tiny house legalization efforts are spreading, and more cities are accepting tiny homes on wheels as legal ADUs! We know you’re excited, so today, we’ll just get right to it. Here’s what you need to know about tiny house ADUs! Subscribe to our tiny house blog Have you […]

Is a Tiny House a Good Investment? And Other Tiny House Worries

Is a Tiny House a Good Investment? And Other Tiny House Worries If you are reading this tiny house blog, you’re probably contemplating the following decision: should you buy a tiny house? The idea of a tiny house is exhilarating! Tiny houses are so cute, and owning a tiny house could be an incredible opportunity […]

Seven Unique Ways Your Mint Tiny House Can Serve You

Seven Unique Ways Your Mint Tiny House Can Serve You When the first modern North American tiny houses debuted more than two decades ago, they were simple structures built by DIY home builders. Most featured rudimentary (if any) plumbing, minimal electrical and finish work, and were considerably smaller than the tiny homes you see on […]

Is a Tiny House Airbnb a Good Investment? The Truth About Tiny House Vacation Rentals

Is a Tiny House Airbnb a Good Investment? The Truth About Tiny House Vacation Rentals “Tiny house vacation rental near me” and “tiny house Airbnb near me” are becoming increasingly popular search phrases, and for good reason! Who wouldn’t want to spend their vacation in a cozy, fun space like a tiny house on wheels?! […]

Craving a Simple Life? Here’s Your Tiny House Tour of a Simple Summer

Craving a Simple Life? Here’s Your Tiny House Tour of a Simple Summer Have you ever fantasized about spending your summer at a scenic mountain retreat, a lakeside cottage, or a cabin in the woods? Just think of how luxurious it would feel to spend the summer enjoying the serenity of simple living. For Mint […]

Your Tiny House Delivery Day Cheat-Sheet: How to Prepare for the Arrival of your Mint Tiny Home

Your Tiny House Delivery Day Cheat-Sheet: How to Prepare for the Arrival of your Mint Tiny Home Your tiny house delivery day is thisclose, and we know you’re excited! But before we hand over the keys, there are a few things you’ll want to do to prepare for the arrival of your Mint tiny home. […]

Answering Dad’s Tiny House Questions!

Answering Dad’s Tiny House Questions! Have you told your dad you want to buy a tiny house? Did he respond with a dad joke? Something about you needing a small suitcase to move into one? If your dad is anything like ours, he probably had a few such jokes. And he probably followed them up […]

Your Ultimate Guide to Tiny House Insurance

Your Ultimate Guide to Tiny House Insurance Look at you doing your tiny house research by reading our tiny home blog again! If you keep it up, there is sure to be a tiny house in your future! (Maybe our new Onyx model, perhaps?!) Here at Mint Tiny House Company, we have a ton of […]