Tiny Home Transformation: Ready to Write a New Chapter? This One’s for You

Looking for legal tiny home parking of any kind? Don’t miss this blog post!

Crucial Considerations for Tiny Home Decorating

Discover crucial tips for decorating your Mint tiny home to maximize style and function! Learn how to use vertical space, choose functional decor, and embrace biodegradable options for a cozy and memorable tiny house.

Less Space Will Change Your Life. Here’s How

Discover how less space in a Mint tiny home can transform your life. Embrace intentional living, simplify consumption, and enhance relationships.

6 Ways a Mint Tiny Home is the Mental Health Makeover You’ve Been Waiting For

Living in today’s chaotic world can take a toll on our mental health, but there’s a solution that offers simplicity, intentional living, and a closer connection to what truly matters: tiny homes. At Mint Tiny House Company, we’ve seen how our homes can transform lives by reducing clutter, fostering closer relationships, and providing the flexibility to live on your own terms.

Your Ultimate Tiny House Couch Shopping Guide!

Finding a legal spot to park your tiny house can be challenging, but we’ve got you covered. Dive into the ins and outs of tiny house parking, from understanding zoning laws to exploring various parking options like RV parks and tiny home communities.

Three Very Effective (and Fun!) Ways to Declutter a Tiny House

Three Very Effective (and Fun!) Ways to Declutter a Tiny House

Thinking about joining the tiny house movement? Decluttering is a crucial skill for tiny home living, and it can even be fun. One method is to quickly remove 30 items, while another involves setting a ten-minute timer for focused tidying. For a hardcore challenge, take everything out and only put back what you truly need, transforming your space and perspective.