Maximize your land rental success with our comprehensive guide – download now!
Our Land Rental Guide is your ultimate resource for finding the perfect land for your tiny house. From helpful tips to easy-to-use templates, we’ve got you covered. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let us help you find a land to rent for your dream of tiny house through this guide.
Some insurance providers will not insure an RV if someone is living in it full time, as most traditional RVs are for recreational use. That being said, this really depends on your insurance provider and the coverage they will offer. This may mean that you may need to contact several insurance providers. There are some insurance providers that do have actual Tiny House Policies, in which case they can provide you more information on this.
If we are arranging the transport for you, our transport company carries insurance while it is in transport. Once the tiny house has been delivered to you, you will then need to register it into your name. You don’t need insurance (for transport) until you go to move the tiny house on the road again. You will however wish to get it insured for being parked. See our guide for more info on Parked RV/Park model insurance!