Five Inspiring Ways to Use a Tiny House (That You Didn’t See Coming)

The world has been collectively and massively inspired by the tiny home movement. As builders, we might be biased, but we’re pretty excited about all the energy coming into the sustainable living space.

Can you believe some people thought the tiny house lifestyle would be nothing more than a passing fad?

After almost two decades, we think it’s safe to say that this form of small-space living isn’t going anywhere: tiny houses are here to stay.

In fact, tiny homes are exploding, and with the popularity, comes endless creativity!

Our team at Mint Tiny House Company has seen the inspiration firsthand, and today we’ll be sharing some of that inspiration with you.

So are you ready to get the creative juices flowing?

Here are five ways people use tiny homes that you didn’t see coming! (Airbnb is not on this list.)

#1 - The Tiny House Office

Working from home is on the rise, and we are happy to hear it!

Working from home decreases the carbon footprint of our crazy commute, helps us eat healthier because we aren’t tempted by on-the-go fast-food options, and allows us to spend more quality time at home with our dogs. (Best perk ever.)

All that being said, working from home comes with one major downside: it can be hard to stay productive when you’re surrounded by your chosen comforts! And on the flip side, it can be hard to relax when the workday is over. After all, there’s a sense in which you never leave the office.

So what’s a modern member of the workforce supposed to do?

Yup! The answer is to buy a tiny house office for your backyard. And we will. Just say the word!

#2 - The Tiny House Home Gym or Tiny House Yoga Studio

Are you that person who would go to the gym, but it’s too far away?

Sometimes just lacing up your sneakers and driving eight minutes to the gym can feel like too much of a task. And we all know those little details can talk us out of a workout if we don’t take precautions.

So here’s a precaution: why not put a tiny house home gym in your backyard? Then you’ll literally be steps away.

Micro-gyms and home gyms are on the rise, and a Mint tiny house (you know, one without a kitchen) could be the perfect way to stay in shape. Tiny house home gyms are both clean and serene.

Now, whether you turn yours into a tiny house yoga studio, a tiny house dance studio, or a tiny house micro gym with a variety of exercise equipment, is up to you.

Just tell us if we should keep the bathroom and shower facilities and we’ll do the rest.

Are you ready to build the tiny house home gym of your dreams?

#3 - The Tiny House Caregiver Cottage

This one can work in two ways. Sometimes it’s the caregiver who lives in the tiny house to give care onsite, and sometimes the person receiving care lives in the tiny house.

The first scenario allows people receiving care to live in a traditional home while having the peace of mind that help is close by. This arrangement also allows the caregiver to live close to work!

The second scenario can work well for people who live in a traditional home and want to provide care for a family member. Then everyone can stay together while maintaining boundaries and autonomy.

Regardless of the setup, tiny house caregiver cottages make healthcare easier and more personal, two elements that contribute to health and well-being!

#4 - The Tiny House Starter Home or Retirement Home

We’ve always been told that buying a house is a great way to launch yourself, but hello?!! Have you seen housing prices?!

If you are a young person (or know one) a tiny house could be a great way to step into this right of passage and become a homeowner without taking on all the debt.

Are you in a different season of life? Perhaps one where you want to simplify, enjoy the peace and quiet, and only make time (and space) for the things that matter most? Perfect. Let us build you the best retirement home you can imagine.

Whether your tiny house will be a tiny house starter home or a tiny house retirement home, the benefits are the same: tiny homes cost less to buy, less to maintain, and have the flexibility to go where you do.

Is a tiny home the best starter home or retirement home yet?!

#5 - The Tiny House Business

Guess what?

Did you know that some people buy tiny houses, but don’t actually live in them? One unique way people use tiny homes is for their tiny businesses!

We’ve heard of tiny house clothing boutiques, tiny house coffee shops, and tiny house reception desks just to name a few!

So what do you think? Do you have an idea that would make a great micro business? Because what better way to draw attention than to leverage tiny house hype?

Is it just us, or can you already see a line of customers waiting to be served by your tiny house business?

Tiny Home Inspiration

Seriously, the tiny home inspiration will never end. We are experienced tiny house builders here at Mint Tiny House Company, but every time we think we’ve seen it all, you all come up with a new way to use a tiny home!

So tell us, what we should build next? Our team of tiny home builders is waiting to frame out the bones of your next adventure.

It all starts with a chat with one of our tiny home representatives, so use the link below to book your free tiny home consultation.

Thanks for reading our tiny house blog. We can’t wait to meet you!

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