Your Ultimate Guide to Tiny House Insurance

Your Ultimate Guide to Tiny House Insurance Look at you doing your tiny house research by reading our tiny home blog again! If you keep it up, there is sure to be a tiny house in your future! (Maybe our new Onyx model, perhaps?!) Here at Mint Tiny House Company, we have a ton of […]

Your Ultimate Guide to Tiny House Financing

Your Ultimate Guide to Tiny House Financing Subscribe to our tiny house blog If you want to buy a tiny house, you’ve likely Googled “How much does a tiny house cost?” And after that, you probably started searching the web for tiny house financing options! In doing so, you may have discovered that, in most […]

Your Mint Tiny House is About to Bring Back Summer

Your Mint Tiny House is About to Bring Back Summer Once upon a time, life stretched on forever, and summer felt like it would never end. And our next birthday? As kids, it felt decades away. Then we hunkered down to do a bit of adulting, and BAM! We woke up one morning to find […]

Women and Tiny Homes

Women and Tiny Homes Historically, women have had some disadvantages. Wait- let’s take that again. Historically, women have had some disadvantages. It still doesn’t seem loud enough, does it? We can’t undo centuries of inequality in a single sentence (or tiny house blog post!), but our team at Mint comes to you today with good […]

In Uncertain Times, Nothing Offers Support Like a Mint Tiny Home!

In Uncertain Times, Nothing Offers Support Like a Mint Tiny Home! The pandemic might be losing steam, but life’s still a bit uncertain for most of us. Of course, we want to be bold and move forward with our plans to buy a tiny home, but we also want to be smart. And maybe now […]

Aim High- You’ve Earned it. Why a Mint Tiny House Could Be Your Retirement Dream Home

Aim High- You’ve Earned it. Why a Mint Tiny House Could Be Your Retirement Dream Home You’ve spent decades of your life doing what you needed or were supposed to do to survive this thing called life. Now it’s your time. Or at least it was supposed to be your time. But if you are […]

How Much Does a Tiny House Cost? (The Stress-Free Guide You Need to Buy a Tiny Home!)

How Much Does a Tiny House Cost? (The Stress-Free Guide You Need to Buy a Tiny Home!) You come home after a long day at the office. You’re facing a mountain of chores, a ton of clutter, and bills. Steep ones. You need life to be different; you need it to be beautiful and inspiring […]

Do You Have a Million Tiny Home Questions? Here’s Where to Find Answers

Do You Have a Million Tiny Home Questions? Here’s Where to Find Answers If you are used to handling life independently, we applaud you.  But also, support is important and your support team has arrived.  Hello! We are the team behind  Mint Tiny House Company. And with almost a decade of tiny home experience under […]

Five (Surprising!) Ways a Mint Tiny Home Will Transform Your Life

Five (Surprising!) Ways a Mint Tiny Home Will Transform Your Life Here at Mint Tiny House Company, people come to us with all kinds of reasons for wanting to buy a tiny home. Some people want to lower their carbon footprint, others want a life based on experiences rather than things, and some seek to […]

Want to Buy a Tiny House? Here Are Benefits Mint Tiny House Company Has to Offer!

Want to Buy a Tiny House? Here Are Benefits Mint Tiny House Company Has to Offer! Is your tiny house lifestyle so close you can taste it? Would-be tiny home owners sometimes say they can picture it like a movie: A journal sits open on the couch. Steam rises from a nearby cup of coffee. […]